Using Kublai

Installing Kublai

You can install Kublai using npm:

npm install Kublai-plugin

Integrating Kublai plugin with your Pomelo application

Our sandbox application is a reference example of how to integrate Kublai into your pomelo application.

Initializing Kublai in your app

In your app.js file, add the following lines:

const kublaiPlugin = require('kublai-plugin')

// app configuration
app.configure('production|development', '<server-type>', () => {

  // your app configuration

  app.use(kublaiPlugin, {
    kublai: {
      khanUrl: 'http://localhost:8888/',  // you need to set this to your khan API url

Using Kublai in your handlers

Using it in your handlers is as easy as asking the app for it:

// in your handler initialization
const Handler = function (app) { = app
  this.kublaiService ='kublai')  // this gets a configured kublai service instance

Then in your handler methods:

Handler.prototype.getPlayer = function (msg, session, next) {
  this.kublaiService.getPlayer(msg.gameID, msg.publicID, (error, res) => {
    if (error) {
      next(error, null)
    } else {
      next(null, res)

For a complete example, our test sandbox has a handler with all available methods.